DATAGROUP Named as Top Family Business

In a study of family businesses by the German business magazine WirtschaftsWoche and the market research institute Innofact, DATAGROUP reaches seventh place. Around 500 companies were evaluated in the categories trust, innovation and employer image.

IT service provider DATAGROUP is not often perceived by others as a family business. However, founder and chairman of the board Max H.-H. Schaber and his family hold the majority in the company, which is listed on the stock exchange.

In the current study of the magazine WirtschaftsWoche and the market research institute Innofact, 2000 decision makers were questioned about the visibility and awareness of about 500 medium-sized companies with a turnover between 250 million and one billion Euros per year. The other categories of trust, quality, innovation, sustainability and corporate and employer image were then put in relation to the average turnover and employee development.

“DATAGROUP’s values are also those traditionally associated with family businesses: a partnership with customers at eye level, quality awareness, and safety, both for our customers and our employees”, explains Max H.-H. Schaber. “We are pleased that we once again placed so well in a ranking.”

The IT service provider covers the entire spectrum of IT outsourcing services, including cloud and SAP services. DATAGROUP sees itself as a machine room for digitalization, making IT easy for customers and thus enabling them to drive their business forward. In the last business year 2018/2019 DATAGROUP achieved revenue of 306.8 million Euro and currently has over 2,700 employees.

Claudia Erning
Investor Relations
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