Since the IPO in 2006, we have consistently demonstrated that an investment in DATAGROUP pays off. We are one of the leading German IT service providers and our customers choose us for our first-class services. This is also reflected in our strong and profitable annual growth – both organically and through acquisitions.
DATAGROUP is one of the leading German IT service providers and supports IT workplaces worldwide for medium and large enterprises as well as public authorities.
Around 3,500 employees at locations across Germany design, implement, and operate business applications and IT infrastructures. Our CORBOX product offers all IT services customers need for stable IT operations.
In other words: We manage IT. DATAGROUP is growing organically and through acquisitions. The acquisition strategy is particularly noted for its optimal integration of new companies. DATAGROUP is actively participating in the IT service market’s consolidation process with its “buy and turn around” and its “buy and build” strategy.
Revenue (2022/2023)
EBITDA (2022/2023)
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