DATAGROUP Defense Cloud

For many years, DATAGROUP has served customers from the defense sector, including suppliers to the defense industry.

With the Defense Cloud, DATAGROUP offers a cloud solution which is approved by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) up to the level of restricted classified information and which can serve as a collaboration platform between OEM, suppliers and public agencies. 

As a full-service provider, DATAGROUP offers flexible and hybrid delivery models for modularly scalable IT operations as-a-service. These business models cover both environments with restricted classified information and mixed systems (regular networks and environments with restricted classified information). DATAGROUP enjoys many decades of experience as a data center operator in technology, housing, hosting and services.

The data centers comply with the highest security standards pursuant to C5, ISO 20000, ISO 27001 incl. baseline protection, the CON 11.1 module and thus offer maximum security, georedundancy, flexibility and scalability. The georedundant services of the DATAGROUP Defense Cloud are fully provided from its base in Germany.

Connection to the DATAGROUP Defense Cloud can be approved for BSI, is fully scalable and available as-a-service in combination with all CORBOX services.

Defense Cloud – Your Advantages at a Glance

  • Compliant with restricted classified information
  • Full cloud functionality
  • Ideal as a collaboration platform (OEM, suppliers and public agencies)
  • BSI recommendation fulfilled thanks to 200 km georedundancy
  • Hybrid delivery models comprising networks and environments with restricted classified information
  • Comprehensive certifications

Andreas Wiewel
Director Vertrieb, Finanzen &